
Obfuscator is a Python package used to obfuscate a set of data (e.g. bytes). It provides no encryption! It’s strictly a “security through obscurity” tool, with limited usefulness. You have been warned!

The project is hosted on GitHub at


Download the latest release tarball and install with pip install <package>.

You may also install directly from Pypi with pip install obfuscator.


See the unit tests for more in-depth examples. Here are the basics:

import obfuscator
original_bytes = map(ord, "testing")
_key, obfuscated_bytes = obfuscator.obfuscate_xor(original_bytes, key=0x66)
deobfuscated_bytes = obfuscator.deobfuscate_xor(key=0x66, data=obfuscated_bytes)
assert original_bytes == deobfuscated_bytes

If you use obfuscator.file to encode and decode strings, there is a miniature interface that you can use by importing the module directly:

c:\code>python -m obfuscator.file
        python -m obfuscator.file encode-str <path-to-file> <key> "string to encode"
        python -m obfuscator.file decode-str <path-to-file> <key>

c:\code>python -m obfuscator.file encode-str test.bin 10 "test\ning"
[116, 101, 115, 116, 92, 110, 105, 110, 103]

c:\code>python -m obfuscator.file decode-str test.bin 10
